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Deploying from


Runway workloads that could critically impact’s availability can be deployed from This decouples the workload’s deployment process from the health of and allows for rollbacks/rollforwards during outages.

Summary of the process:

  1. As a Runway service owner, you need to ensure your service project is mirrored to and file the provisioner MR to add/update your workload.
  2. As a Runway maintainer, you need to review (but not merge) the provisioner change. You also need to file the CR for performing the Terraform state migration.
  3. As a Runway maintainer, once the CR is approved, you need to follow the steps in the CR.

As a Runway service owner

This process assumes that your service repository is currently managed (or will be managed) by infra-mgmt, which is a repository (powered by Terraform) that manages projects and groups across and It makes setting up and managing projects and groups, mirrors and Vault configuration very easy.

The following steps will create (or manage) your canonical service repository and configure push mirroring to

  1. Create a GitLab project on for the service project

    This repository will be the mirror for your canonical service repository.

    You can create this repository using the infra-mgmt tooling by creating a project_*.tf file in the ops-gitlab-net directory. Refer to topology-service-deployer.

  2. Create (or manage) your service repository on

    Creating a service repository

    If you have not yet created your service repository, we recommend using infra-mgmt for this. You simply need to file an MR on the infra-mgmt repository with your environments/gitlab-com/project_*.tf file (example) and tweak it to your liking. Once merged and applied, your GitLab project will be created and managed by the infra-mgmt tooling.

    Using an existing service repository

    If your service repository already exists and it is not currently managed by infra-mgmt, you can have infra-mgmt manage it by setting use_existing_project = true (example). This allows you to easily configure push mirroring (example).

  3. Configure push mirroring

    In the same file that you edited in the previous step, you need to add a few lines to configure the push mirror settings.

    We will define a custom mirror token as we want to use a specific token.

    We will use an existing Personal Access Token (PAT) from the ops-gitlab-net user for this as the user has Owner access to the top-level gitlab-com group so when commits are created by the push mirror, the token has the necessary permissions to trigger downstream pipelines in the deployment project.

    We can lookup the token details in Vault using a data source as follows:

    data "vault_kv_secret_v2" "mirror-token-ops-deployed-runway-workload" {
    mount = "ci"
    name = "${var.vault_secrets_base_path}/mirror-tokens/ops-deployed-runway-workloads"
    module "project_ops-<YOUR PROJECT NAME>-mirror" {
    source = ""
    version = "5.9.1"
    project_id = module.<YOUR_CANONICAL_PROJECT>.id
    mirror_project = { path = module.<YOUR_CANONICAL_PROJECT>.path_with_namespace }
    mirror_branch_protections = local.<YOUR_CANONICAL_PROJECT>_mirror_branch_protections
    only_protected_branches = true
    keep_divergent_refs = true
    custom_mirror_token = {
    token =
    username =
    user_id = data.gitlab_user.gl_infra_bot_ops["ops-gitlab-net"].user_id
    providers = {
    gitlab.mirror = gitlab.ops-gitlab-net
  4. Add (or update) your Runway workload to provisioner

    Open an MR on the provisioner project that either adds (if it does not exist) or updates your Runway workload entry with the deploy_from_ops field:

    - name: test-runway-service
    project_id: 840 # this should be the service project id on
    enabled: true
    project_id: 123 # this should be the service project id on

    This MR will need to be reviewed and merged by a Runway maintainer (see next section).

As a Runway maintainer

Runway maintainers need to review the provisioner MR for creating or transitioning a Runway workload to

The maintainer will perform the migration of Terraform state from to as part of a change management process.

  1. Review provisioner MR to set up ops deployment dependencies

    Ensure deploy_from_ops is set with enabled: true and validate the service project IDs. There should be a project_id setting above deploy_from_ops that references the service project ID on, and another project_id nested below deploy_from_ops that references the service project ID on

  2. Set up a local environment for running the migration script

    • Create a temporary folder in a path of your choosing containing 2 files ( and The .terraform folder will be created in this folder during the migration process.

    • Create a Project Access Token (PrAT) for both deployment projects with a short expiry (long enough to get the CR executed). The token should have api scope and maintainer access level.

    • Populate an file like the following ensuring you fill out the values:
      # Get the project ids from the deployment project on and
      export SOURCE_PROJECT_ID=
      export TARGET_PROJECT_ID=
      # PrAT for the deployment project on and
      export SOURCE_TF_PASSWORD=
      export TARGET_TF_PASSWORD=
      # The address is used by terraform to connect to a remote http backend.
      # Replace with the correct url, either
      export SOURCE_TF_ADDRESS=${SOURCE_PROJECT_ID}/terraform/state
      export TARGET_TF_ADDRESS=${TARGET_PROJECT_ID}/terraform/state
    • Prepare a for bootstrapping the initialization.
      terraform {
      required_version = ">= 1.7"
      terraform {
      backend "http" {}
  3. Open a Change Management issue

    You need to create an issue in the production issue tracker using the change_management template.

    For the change steps, you may use the following as a guideline:

    - [ ] Check with the service owner to ensure that no MRs are merged during the migration window.
    - [ ] Lock the terraform states, this prevents any accidental deployments. See [example](
    - [ ] Merge the provisioner MR.
    - [ ] Check if the new deployment project is found in
    - [ ] Run: `cd /path/to/your/temporary/directory` (path that contains the `` file)
    - [ ] **STAGING**
    - [ ] Unlock the `staging` Terraform state on the canonical deployment project.
    - [ ] Run `/path/to/your/provisioner/repo/scripts/ staging`
    - [ ] Check the `staging` Terraform state on
    - [ ] Lock the `staging` terraform state on the canonical deployment project.
    - [ ] Remove the `.terraform` folder.
    - [ ] **PRODUCTION**
    - [ ] Unlock the `production` Terraform state on the canonical deployment project.
    - [ ] Run `/path/to/your/provisioner/repo/scripts/ production`
    - [ ] Check the `production` Terraform state on
    - [ ] Lock the `production` terraform state on the canonical deployment project.
    - [ ] Remove the `.terraform` folder.

    Refer to the change management page in the handbook for information on change criticalities, approvals needed, etc.

  4. Update infra-mgmt

    Add the Runway service id into the local.projects_deploying_from_ops list.

    This will create a project access token for the deployment project which enables the deployment project to perform dry-run jobs.